iOS review
iOS is a diverse platform to access the sources in a wide range. This resembles like UNIX operating system. This is used as an operating module in variety of devices. Some of them include iPod touch, iPad, apple TV and iphone. This is a reliable, free operating system which can be upgraded easily through over tunes. Even though there are various features, few special features are to be encountered. Some of the main features are game centre, notification, imessage, news stand, social networking etc.
The home screen in these devices gives all intimation such as time, date, network, weather etc. Notification is a big feature which gives the wide range of alerts, positioning, information etc. imessage is a special feature developed by apple which the messaging can be done in iphones and then continued in ipads. Virtual newsstand is used to view various magazines, periodicals at the same time. Cloud computing based application is developed through safari web browser.
This enhances the readers to read the pages at offline too. New game center is developed to make achievement points, multi players, game downloads etc. Face time is added value to the device which promotes video calling. Jail breaking is one of the new processes introduced to remove the limitations of the operating module. This tool prevents the entry of malware. There are various types of jail breaks. They are untethered and tethered type. Untethered type reboots the device after every process.
Tethered type starts the backup without the kernel patch up. Semi tethered device makes the device to function normally. The current version of the operating system is version5.1. This is highly secure operating system. This article emphasizes the special features of the operating system. This article entitles the security and the navigation through sites in an effective way.